Young Ladies' Grand Institute
A Catholic Women's Organization

To gain the most from the videos please have a copy of the most current Instructions, Meeting Procedures, Constitution, & Manuel for Officers and Deputies at hand.
(Hover & Click to start begin)
Instructions for Financial Secretary (revised 3/5/22)
2. YLGI Recording Secretary Training Video (5/24/23 - 28.14 mins)
Instructions for Recording Secretary (revised 3/5/22)
3. YLGI Treasurer Training Video (5/23/23 - 13.17 mins) Instructions for Treasurer (revised 3/5/22)
4. YLGI Trustee Training Video (5/25/23 - 32.19 mins)
Instructions for Trustees (revised 3/5/22)
YLGI Training Videos
These videos are strictly intended only as a training guide as it relates to Young Ladies' Grand Institute desk offices. Any inappropriate use, retransmission, dissemination, or other use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon is prohibited, and all liability arising therefrom is disclaimed. Please direct all related comments, concerns, or questions directly to Grand Institute.